Creating Graphs and Visuals for Data Implementation Guide
My Implementation Guides are the step-by-step instructions that participants in my customized PowerPoint workshops receive that show them how to create the visuals I show in my sessions. This guide covers creating graphs and visuals for data in your presentation. Here’s the Table of Contents so you can see what is covered:
PowerPoint vs. Excel
- Why create graphs in PowerPoint instead of Excel
- Using content from Excel in PowerPoint
- Choosing a Visual
- Summary from Select Effective Visuals
- Choosing between column graphs and bar charts
- Creating a graph in PowerPoint
- Creating a graph with no link to the source data
- Setting up the graph data table for different graphs
- Creating a graph with data linked to an Excel worksheet
- Formatting a graph
- Re-ordering bar charts
- Cleaning up a graph
- Deciding how to label column, bar, and line graphs
- Advanced graph labelling techniques
- Replace the legend in line graphs with Series Name data labels
- Replace the legend in pie graphs with Category Name data labels
- Moving a data label
- Custom Number Formats
- Data labels for 100% stacked column or bar charts
- Labelling for dual axis graphs
- Vertical spacing for category labels on column charts
- Adding % values for proportion or change to the end of bars in a bar chart
- Adding text box labels
- Animating a graph
- Beyond the basic graphs
- Adding a comparison line
- Separating groups of data
- Graphing a range of values
- Horizontal scale visual using a stacked bar chart
- Ranking graph
- Multiple width overlapping column graph (MWOCG)
- Speedometer graph
- Small multiple line graph
- Multiple Index line graph
- Graphs using calculators
- Waterfall and Steps to a Total Graphs
- Diverging Stacked Bar Chart
- Breakdown graphs
- Small column or bar multiple graphs
- Funnel graph
- Non-graph data visuals
- Proportional object collection
- Simple treemap
- Grouped item comparison
Each topic is broken down in logical sequence. Screen captures and instructions are provided for PowerPoint versions from 2007 to 2016/365, so your version will be covered. The techniques are all within the Microsoft Office suite, so you won’t have to download or purchase any other software to create these visuals. The guides are in PDF format when you download them so you can read them on your computer, tablet, or phone.
You can purchase this Implementation Guide for $17. But why not consider getting all five Implementation Guides so you have the step-by-step instructions available any time you want to create a presentation. The guides cover: Creating Graphs & Visuals for Data, Creating Diagrams, Text and Tables, Using Images, and Focusing the audience when delivering the presentation. The five guides would cost $42 if you bought them individually. But if you buy them as a package, you pay only $26 – a 38% savings! Click here to buy all five guides at this special price.